Please complete the form and email 4 recent photos of you to scouting
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NOTE: Images should be shot in front of background with no distractions. No photoshop or editing should be used. Hair is to be pulled away from face, and no makeup is to be worn. Do not send screenshots, social media images, or selfies.
Autre Mgmt considers the safety and well-being of aspiring models to be a top priority. We believe it is important to advise models about unscrupulous people who prey on their ambitions. Please be aware there are certain individuals on the internet falsely claiming to be representatives, photographers, or scouts of Autre Mgmt. If you are contacted by anyone claiming to be a representative of Autre Mgmt, do not respond without first verifying their identity by promptly calling Autre Mgmt directly. Please note, At Autre Mgmt, we never request photos in the nude or in lingerie and we never require the payment of money. If you are a minor and someone claiming to be a representative or manager from any agency contacts you, immediately alert your parents or a responsible adult, and if the person claims to be from Autre Mgmt, please contact us at